RN-J-A Revenue Stamped Paper Die Proof Essay on India on Card


Proof in brown on india on card. As described in Essays and Proofs of United States Internal Revenue Stamps by George T. Turner, 1974 Bureau Issues Association: Proof Type J-A, Engraved die with completely cross-hatched vignette background. Impression on india 108mm x 47mm.

Joseph Carpenter introduced RN-J in 1872, while continuing the production of H3. J exists in two basic forms: one with a bust of Washington in a solid-color background surrounded by a fancy, broad frame, and the other with the same bust in a partially shaded background. It is known in shades of orange and red.

For an excellent primer on Revenue Stamped Paper click HERE.

Essay: any design, or part of a design, essayed to or produced by a government (or established mail carrier) for a stamp and differing in design in any particular from an officially issued stamp.

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VF, 9mm repair upper right


india on card


104mm x 52mm



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