R44c on 1871 Virginia International Land Loan and Trust Co. Stock Certificate


The Virginia International Land Loan and Trust Co. was incorporated on March 23, 1870 by James McKaye, Walter S. Gurnee, Cyrus H. Preamble McCormick, Horace Greeley, Christian Von Hesse, John P. Crosby, Thomas S. Flournoy, Robert H. Maury, John D. Imboden, and others, their associates, have associated themselves as a body corporate in accordance with the laws of the state of New York, under the name and style of The Virginia International Land Company, for the purpose of purchasing land in the state of Virginia, settling the same, and planting thereon the grapevine and making wine, and also sowing and cultivating the beet and manufacturing sugar therefrom, and desiring to enlarge the scope of their operations, and to aid in the movement of immigration and the introduction of capital into Virginia, and in the development of its agricultural and other interests.

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Catalog Number



Document typical folded. Cut close left margin

Par value



Richmond, VA


June 22, 1871



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