Hood’s Sarsaparilla 1893 Calendar Header


Do you suffer from torpid liver, scald head, pimples, rheumatism, gout, barber’s itch, or That Tired Feeling? If you do, Hood’s family of medicines would have had something for you. C.I. Hood & Co. turned out an amazing variety of medicines, but the standard bearer, and mainstay of the company for over half a century, was Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Mr. Hood felt that the success of his medicine was due to his care in analysis and experiments conducted with “all the knowledge which modern research in medical science had developed.” Taking the successful prescription, he added other well-known vegetable remedies.

Read more at “If Made By Hood It’s Good”

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6" x 6.75"


creases and scuffs, toning on back




circa 1893

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